Yes, yes, I’m aware that I’ve already mentioned these video reviews here and here but they really are rather good indeed. You can get the full list of Dr Ashen’s video reviews here or his website here… OK, OK, that’s enough flattery..
First up on the review list today is the Gamestation – it’s a Playstation knock-off courtesy of eBay and an unbranded factory somewhere in China.. Again there’s a bit of swearing so beware if you’re f*****g scared of all that .. :)
There’s more fantastic reviews, so here’s one of the “Pop Station”. It’s a badly replicated version of the Sony PSP with huge crappy graphics reminiscent of those freebie toys you get in a Big Mac Meal…
Want more ? Well, here’s the Neo Double Games … errr… thing.. It’s crappy plasticy knock-off of the Nintendo DS.. Bleugh… His thoughts on this ? “Overall I give it 8 out of 10, but only because it is made in China and I am terrified of their Government”…