For anyone with kids, or those about to have children, I’ve got some important advice.
Our son is three. For Christmas he had stacks of toys and we’re lucky enough to have a nice home with a garden for him to play in.
I work, a lot. I write for Coolsmartphone and have a full-time job too. One of the most important pieces of advice I could give to any parent is to spend time with them. Some good, quality time. Toys and stuff are pointless if a child is left alone to play with them all the time. Sure, children enjoy time on their own, but not all the time.
Sometimes as a parent it’s easy to forget this. You have things to do, chores, DIY and work. These things seem more important.
This weekend we decided to do some family stuff. Forget the chores, forget the other stuff. We, along with my nephew, went ice skating, bowling and I ran around the estate with them on their scooters. We did other things too – simple stuff like playing with lego.
Last night I asked what Billy’s favourite thing was – I assumed it would be a toy or other item we’d got him. I pointed around his room asks suggested some stuff, but he simply replied by saying..
“Pushing the bowling ball for Daddy”
How amazing is that eh? A simple thing like that, it meant more to him than anything else. He basically wanted to help me bowl, so I put the ball on the floor and he pushed it down the lane. I think he got a strike for me too :)
So, work hard, but spend as much time as you can with your family and children. They love it, and it’s great fun!