We got held up this afternoon by a broken-down Porsche. That in itself should be enough to raise a small but smug smile on the faces of many, but as we drew closer I noticed that the bonnet was up…
Anyone notice the problem with that?
Trying to fix your broken-down car by popping the bonnet? On a rear-engined < a href="http://www.netcars.com/used-porsche/">used Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet? Yeah. Bit of a fail there.
I looked around for the driver as we crawled past. Perhaps he was changing a wheel and maybe looking for a spare wheel? Nope. None of the tyres were flat, there was no jack out and no driver anywhere to be found. My only guess is that the driver was too embarrassed to show his face to the passing traffic after failing to find the engine.
Still.. he / she had a nice suitcase…