Remember when I used to post on this site? Ahh, those were the days. Before Twitter consumed my daily rants… Anyways, at the weekend I stumbled across another one of these insane “build your own” models which are part of a weekly magazine. The magazine has some components on the front of it – you stick them together week by… Read more →
Tag: plane
Thomas Cook Airlines. Put simply, they don’t care.
I’ve tried several times to get a response to my complaint to Thomas Cook Airlines. They’ve responded once, but it was no more than a courtesy mail saying that they’rd forward my mail on. The reason why I’m bringing this up? It’s because, in the last few months, the Swissport baggage handlers at Birmingham Airport have been nothing short of… Read more →
New hypersonic jet in testing
We could soon be flying at Mach 6 thanks to hypersonic jet “WaveRider”. It’s undergoing testing across the Pacific and could mean journey times of just an hour between London and New York. After hitching a ride on a B-52 it’ll detach and its’ engines will push it on to 4,300mph. After that the wingless plane will break into pieces… Read more →
Plane crash filmed
What surprises me about this is the fact that the plane crashed, they all got out and, for some reason, they thought that capturing their own shocked expressions on video was the most important thing to do. Update – OK, it looks like they had cameras on their heads which were recording constantly, so perhaps they’re not as bonkers as… Read more →