A severe bit of undercalculating (is that even a word?) means that we may possibly be moving the site yet again very soon. I’m looking at an even bigger server, with even more bells and even more whistles. The main reason is bandwidth, which is going from “oofff, that’s a lot” to “blimey, that’s completely crazy”. Downloads are to blame mainly, and this section is top of my “sort this out” list.
Oh, for the good old days when I used Frontpage… :) By the way guys.. has anyone noticed the similarity between the recently re-designed Mobile Gadget News and the all-poweful MoDaCo.com ? Hmm.. strange..
Other changes I may need to make soon are to restrict emails that I get in – my unfortunate mistake in the “early days” was to place a link to my real email address on here, which is a definite no-no in the web-design world, as spam-crawlers just pick it up and email you constantly. So far today, I’ve got …
About 48 emails saying that Tabby / Susan / Gail / Trish / Tracy is in “your area” looking for some “hot action” and she’s apparently within 5 miles of where I live.. now that’s what I call excellent targetted emailing?!?!
Around 60 emails offering me the infamous “stay hard for a solid 36 hours” viagra pill, which would present obvious problems when trying to get to work on Monday morning..
Also, a girl who keeps pulling her jeans down, but for some reason changes her name several times a day.. and her age.. and her location.. (see below..)

So, as you can see, it’s about time I put a filter on, which only allows stuff from my “contact us” form.. :) This’ll get done soon enough, but tonight.. tonight I go to the pub and get drunk my friends…