What an absolutely lovely sunny spring day it was here in the UK today. It was around 18-20 degrees C and people were enjoying a day in the sunshine. People were doing typical British things that always happen when the sun is out – cleaning their cars, mowing the lawn or cleaning their windows. Anything in fact that’d get them outside in the sun. Today it was as if people had popped out of hibernation after the winter. Everyone was outside today.
However, I couldn’t help but laugh a bit today. I was out myself, I had to go around several local towns today to do various chores – I needed some turf for our garden, I had to get my hair cut, I needed to pay some money into the bank and get some car tax. Fairly boring stuff, but it was quite interesting to see how people treated the sunny spring day. Driving through my local city of Lichfield I saw both ends of the spectrum. You had the people in their convertible cars – those who bought a soft-top car on a whim one hot summer day, only to suffer the windy cold driving experience in the winter months. Today was their chance to pose – no matter how ridiculous they looked with their hair waving all over their faces (I saw a blonde lady with her hair sticking to her face at a set of traffic lights. Did she look sexy with her hair blowing in the wind? No.. Was she unable to see where she was going and irritated as hell due to her hair problems? Why yes. People walking around the city were the same. Some had grabbed their summer gear straight away and were wearing the bear minimal clothing. One blonde girl wearing a very short skirt and extremely flimsy top caused me to be so “interested” that I bounced off the kerb. However, if we put the stunning girl with the very nice arse and short skirt to one side for a minute… .if we can…. which I don’t think I can ‘cus maaaann… WOoooo!!! Blimey…
Where was I going with this?? Umm…
Oh yeah, so – it’s a nice day, it’s not boiling hot, it’s not cold – it’s “just” warm enough. However, as I drove around I saw some people (mainly women, I must confess) wearing their loosest, flimsiest, smallest items of clothing ever – whilst next to those people were others wearing their winter gear – full, long coats with hooded tops, jeans and boots. It was an extremely strange mixture, and was if people didn’t know what to wear. Some were still in