Must take more care of my car…

I was reading Pauls’ blog today. For those of you living in a cave for the past few years, Paul is the webmaster and head honcho of, the Smartphone and Pocket PC super-forum. His recent post about washing his car with some Flash car cleaner reminded me that I should get mine cleaned.. and perhaps take more care of it. After all, it’s not long since I totally ruined the last car I had.

In fact, I promised myself – after owning this lovely Citroen ZX Diesel for almost 5 years (I was doing a lot of contract work at the time and it had no turbo on it, so it’d go for miles and miles on a tank of Diesel!)…

.. that I’d treat myself to a “proper” car. The Citroen above, by the time I traded it in, was hanging together rather loosely and churned more smoke out of the exhaust than a chimney. The windows in our house used to rattle when I started it up, plus there was a slight problem (for my definition of “slight” read “completely knackered, beyond repair, busted, ruined, not had a service ever..”).. with the brakes, clutch, gearbox, cam-belt, wheel-alignment – oh, and the engine too. So, after 5 years of nailing the poor Citroen Diesel into the ground I forked out for a lovely Lexus. However, I scratched it slightly …

.. when I say “scratched it slightly”, I actually mean “wrote it off”. You can read the whole sorry tale here should you be interested. So, as you can see – I’ve now promised myself to take more care of my car, especially when it costs such a lot of cash after writing off the last one (bloomin insurance!) After reading how Paul used care and attention to clean his car, I did the same. I started by hoovering the thing, which was a bit of a problem because our Dyson is a bit broken. The flexible hose has had a tear in it for a while, but while I was cleaning it out completely snapped off – leaving the coiled metal wire poking into my hand.. AGH! Blood everywhere, pain!

A bandage later, and a bit more hoovering (complete with swearing) and I find 3 pound coins down the side of the drivers seat! AHA! Problem solved! Who needs hours of scrubbing and cleaning when I can be a lazy arse?!

I drove down to the local arc Carwash and it’s now spotless! Woo! Oh, and by the way, these arc Carwash things (pictured top right) seem to be miles better than your average Petrol Station car wash. I only had the “Tight Wad Special” wash too! Find your local one here.

Don’t think I’m a flash bas*ard either, I just work bloody hard ! Hmm.. looking at that picture, I must admit…… that’s some pretty sh*t parking !!! Very poor. :)