I like to keep an eye on the amount of people browsing this site from time to time. There’s a little module on the left which states how many sessions / users are on. Last night, just as I was doing a quick look around, I noticed it’d shot up again…

This is great news! We’re getting even more popular! :) Many thanks to all of you for coming to visit and for returning again and again and again in your droves. It’s your emails, questions, articles and news items that make this site what it is and I think it’s fantastic to see so many people enjoying it!
Oh, and while I’m here – I think the rest of this blog post may only be fully understood by our British readers.. unless of course you read this Wikipedia page ;) Anyhow, for some strange reason this American company decided to call themselves “Slappa”. They seem to sell laptop, PSP and iPod cases however the name really doesn’t do themselves any favours, especially when there’s logos and graphics dotted around the site like this…

Yes, just call now for a Slappa! Wehay! Or perhaps you’d like to rate them ? How about ..

Advertising brilliance ? Or are they just not aware what their brand name means here in the UK ? Well, they don’t seem to offer international shipping, so I’m guessing it’s the latter, so let’s all have a good laugh at their expense.. :)
Link – Slappa.com