I’ll try not to make this another rant about Google still being a bit confused. Last night I did another simple search for “coolsmartphone” and this time I got my old Bornsloppy.co.uk website, which is where this site used to reside.. about 4 years ago. Why the heck it’s suddenly started giving this as a high-ranking response I don’t know – it’s completely missing out the incredibly obvious “coolsmartphone.com” site and looking all over the web for other references of it. It’s like typing in “pepsi” and just getting sites dedicated to the drink instead of the “offical” home. Nuts.
Anyhow, I promised you guys an update on the wedding and honeymoon. I still can’t quite believe it’s been a whole month since we got married. June 10th was boiling and the minute I put my suit on I knew I was going to sweat buckets. I think it was the first really hot day we’d had this summer – we were really lucky and it made the whole day just that extra bit special. To be honest I was quite calm until I got in the car and was driven towards the church. Earlier in the day I’d woken up, sat in the garden for a while and generally relaxed in the sun. Then suddenly I was out of the shower and in the car. On the way to the church I slowly started to realise that all those months of planning were over and this was “it”, this is “the day”. Nerves started to creep in – I kept asking the best man, “Why am I nervous?” It was so hard to explain. He got a call on his mobile – a few people had arrived early at the church and spotted a large cardboard sign propped up on some chairs..
“Large bee swarm overhead, please use other entrance”.
The “other entrance” is actually a small gate around the side of the church and probably isn’t the best way for a bride – complete with a posh wedding dress – to enter the church. When we got there the sign was sitting proudly on the chairs, blocking the main entrance where we’d planned to walk through. It was also the entrance where the cars were all due to park – including the massive wedding car we’d booked. I asked my groomsmen to get it shifted, if Em had seen that sign she would’ve freaked – she absolutely hates bees, wasps and pretty much every type of flying-stinging-thing going. I didn’t want my first site of my bride to be her running away from the church shouting, “Aggghhhh!!! Get it away from me!!!”
Luckily most of the bees seemed to stay away and before I knew what was happening Emily turned up next to me at the front of the church. I truly didn’t know what to say, she looked more beautiful than I could ever imagine. She seemed to be happy and nervous all at once. To be honest I had to keep kicking myself – it was like she was out of my league.

We sang the hymns we’d chosen and held onto each other throughout the service. The vicar helped to calm us down but it was almost like being in a dream. Even after we came out the church I couldn’t quite understand everything that was going on. People who I’d not seen or talked to for ages were appearing all around us and photos were being taken – we felt like celebrities almost. After the confetti was thrown we got into the car and off to our reception. It was the first chance we’d had to talk properly, mainly about how fantastic everything was and how great it was to see everyone. We pinched some water off the driver to cool off but then found that the main road to our reception was totally closed off for roadworks. We ended up going down the M6 Toll, however there was a significant problem getting this thing…

..into a toll booth. The driver tried in vein to get the credit card into the machine at the toll booth however, due to the sheer length of the bonnet, he was actually about a metre away from it. To be honest this bit sticks in my memory purely because it was the only “normal” thing that we did (the toll-booth thing, not the fact that we were in the back of a huge Rolls Royce). Everything else on the day seemed so surreal – like when we turned up at the reception to see rows and rows of waiters and waitresses holding trays of pink champagne. How mental is that? All this stuff, all for us and our guests?

Most of our time at the reception was then taken up having photos taken. These are all beautiful and somehow the photographer managed to make me look half-decent in some shots. Emily looked amazing, absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing.
The heat meant that pretty much everyone sat outside drinking wine and champagne – the staff made sure everyone was kept happy and the whole venue looked like something out of a romance novel. When we’d had most of our photos done we entered the marquee and were welcomed by all of our guests standing and applauding. I somehow blurted out a speech and the entire evening seemed to go far better than we’d expected. It was so weird being bride and groom – just going from one table to the next seemed to take half an hour. Everyone was being so nice and we loved seeing all our family and friends together in one place enjoying themselves.
I’ve said this to several people on the day and since, but I wished I had a pause button. I could talk about the day over and over – in fact I’ve already gone through this blog post and trimmed a lot out so I don’t bore you lot :) It was an absolutely fantastic day. Me and my new wife Emily smiled and laughed more than we’ve ever done and I’m so happy that she’s married me it’s unreal.