Emily is tonight down in London to see Madonna on her latest “Confessions Tour”. She’s just called me after coming out of the Wembley Arena (no, not the completely unfinished Stadium), and has basically screamed..
It was absolutely fantastic!
Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!
It seems that yes, the Madonna Tour is indeed, fantastic. Emily managed to get right to the stage and bumped into ex-Radio 1 DJ Emma Boughton – AKA Emma B. You may remember her from the “Sunday Night Surgery” show on Radio 1. It turns out that she’s actually left Radio 1 and she’s now working for Heart 106.2 in London. Apparently Emily managed to get one of Madonnas’ balloons and gave it to Emma B, who was very thankful and chatted to her for a while (this is the most I can piece together because most of the call was “Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!).
Anyhow, Emma said that she’d say hello to Emily tomorrow, so I’ll have my Sky box tuned to check ! :)
Meanwhile I was on a night out with a mate in Cannock (yes, home of the pubs) having a Balti and beer :) Pah! Who needs Madonna when you’ve got beer eh ? :)