Social media advertising is essential

Richard Neill (whether he’s real or not I’m not quite sure) posted this rather epic rant about how the “fun images” of girls roller skating and rocking climbing was a little misleading, and the actualy time when a lady is on her period is actually very different. I’m not sure if the original post is real – especially as this rather long tirade was written on a mobile phone. Anyway…

After posting this Bodyform CEO Caroline Williams decided to take it upon herself to respond… in video. The near two-minute video is fantastically done and, despite whether this might actually be a big marketing stunt, it’s rather brave for them to go ahead and put it online…

Meanwhile, companies like Thomas Cook don’t treat social media in quite the same way. When a customer cheekily posted that his name was “Thomas Cook” and that they should perhaps reimburse him for years of free advertising and ridicule, they said “No, go away” (basically)…

..however, won a lot of praise (and huge amount of free advertising across the web) by deriding the troubled Thomas Cook (the company) and offering … err.. Thomas Cook (the person) a free holiday. In this world of anytime TV and everyone skipping through TV advertising, more and more companies will have to start looking more seriously at social media (and doing tricks like these) as a way to get noticed.