I got stuck in traffic this morning. This traffic didn’t exist yesterday, or last week, or the week before. It just appeared. I sat in queues of cars with my handbrake on snapping away…
Where had this traffic come from ? Well, I’ll tell you. The schools have started again – it’s a new term and there’s 4×4’s travelling for half-a-mile up the road everywhere. This morning I had the usual “school run” drivers…
Firstly it was a lady slamming her brakes on as she went through a speed camera. She went past it at 30mph despite the fact that it was a 50mph zone.
Secondly there was another car which decided to turn right on a roundabout whilst being in the left lane and without indicating.
Thirdly there was a guy doing 35mph in a 50mph zone and doing every turn very, very cautiously …
Still, one thing that is moving a bit faster is the Coolsmartphone server. We’ve had to upgrade the memory once again because the site is getting even busier. We’re now on 2Gb of memory so things should operate quicker and smoother than ever before… Huzzaa!