For reasons unknown I can’t listen to Red Rack’em Wonky Baseline Disco Banger without thinking of Jen from the IT Crowd dancing to it. So, err.. I created this.. Oh balls. I over shared didn’t I? Read more →
Another banging tune – 2020
Alex Mills doing the vocals on this. Rockin’ track. Seb Zito in the house, this is simply called “2020” and you can grab it here. Read more →
Absolutely banging Jeremy Healy track
This is a remix that I’ve pinched from his Centreforce radio show. It’s an absolute MORRSIVE remix of “I Wish” by Stevie Wonder. Oh, an sorry about the random video – I tried to piece something together for a laugh. I think it’s the Honey Dijon remix which is here on Soundcloud. Read more →
Knight Rider on 8 cellos
Oh, I like this.. Read more →
More tunes for you – Amy’s Love by D’Landy!
One of the guys behind this is Dean Lambert, who does a show each Monday on Centreforce 88.3. What a tune.. Read more →
Is this thing still on? Let’s dish out some classic dance tunes.
Whilst on lockdown I’ve tried to zone out and work by putting headphones on and generally playing lots of music. Here’s some of the tunes I’ve stumbled across recently.. High Jackers – Extended Mix. This is one from some older Fatboy Slim sets and it still blows the roof off in 2020. What. A. Tune… The Superchumbo mix of Basement… Read more →
Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson. We’re so totally screwed.
I’m no fan Boris or his special assistant. They’ve lied about Brexit and lied to the public with buzz-words, catch-phrases and empty promises. This recent Dominic Cummings clusterfuck is just the start of the downward spiral… Read more →
Let’s get back to some serious TUNAGE
I’ve recently stumbled across an absolutely epic DAB station called CentreForce. If you’re in London you can get it on your radio. Elsewhere, it’s online and available via an app. It’s an excellent station and still maintains a lot of the old “Pirate Radio” style (it was a Pirate Station some 30+ years ago). Give it a listen. Anyway, they’re… Read more →
Build your own Spitfire. Just £1200
Remember when I used to post on this site? Ahh, those were the days. Before Twitter consumed my daily rants… Anyways, at the weekend I stumbled across another one of these insane “build your own” models which are part of a weekly magazine. The magazine has some components on the front of it – you stick them together week by… Read more →
I never blog here any more… But.. Here’s a tune for you!
Remember when people used to blog instead of doing tiny social media posts on Twitter? So, just to make up for the lack of posts, here’s an excellent tune called “Special”. It’s the HNNY Edit and unfortunately isn’t available on Spotify, so here’s the might YouTube version… OK, here’s another one. This is called “On my side” by Adryiano… Read more →
Happy Valentines Day
Donald fucking Trump, ladies and gentlemen
What an utter fucking melon this man is. He cannot operate an umbrella. Read more →
#Brexit. Situation update.
It’s a dogs dinner. 1 – Cameron wanted to cling onto power by announcing an EU referendum. 2 – He thought there’d be a protest vote and nothing more. 3 – No plans were put in place by leave or remain for actually leaving. 4 – We assumed the 27 other countries would move. They haven’t. They won’t. We faffed… Read more →
Fatboy Slim Live in Brighton 2018
Love this video. Great visuals, great mixing. Amazing how there’s a load of videos from DJs which show them playing to just a few dozen people now (they get more revenue in clicks no doubt). Everything on this video is just wonderful to look at until the i360 drops down (about 30-ish minutes in) and you get prolonged shots of… Read more →
Yup. We fooked it. We already have a trade agreement with Africa via the EU, but hey, let’s send Theresa to do some dancing. This will definitely fix everything… Read more →
More #Brexit stats
I deal with data and logic all day. Brexit simply makes no sense. We’re not “taking back control” because the UK never voted against any laws that the EU imposed. It was just media spin and clickbait. Our politicians are unable to sort a piss-up in a brewery and the level of damage it’s going to cause to the country… Read more →
The Brexit front page of The Sun
Where do I start with this eh? It’s apparently The Sun’s idea of Britain, or the best bits of it, or reasons why we should come out of the EU. Or something. Let’s see what we have here. First, on the lower left, a chip shop. The ones by me are run by Greek families. Then there’s the Mini and… Read more →

I love the A-Team
When you look back on a TV show you used to watch as a kid it all looks very different some.. err.. 30 years later. Watching the A-Team is definitely an eye-opener. The spelling mistakes in the credits, the bloopers that were left in and so much more. Take, for example, the infamous A-Team van. Here it is as I’m… Read more →
Growing up in the ’80s was cool
The other day I was at the gym watching some random episode of The A-Team. It’s on one of the berzillions of TV channels and it was almost background noise for me as I sweated through another attempt to lose some of my wobbly bits. Watching old shows like these – shows that I grew up with – is certainly… Read more →
Busy busy! Here’s some tunes
I don’t even have time to write much about these, but hey. It’s January 2018 it’s time for some new music.. Love this one. Absolute corker and stuck in my head! Read more →
Build the Routemaster. Just maybe take out a huge loan first.
I really can’t stand these “build you own” magazines. They usually involve you starting to create something using a magazine which is effectively just a bunch of adverts wrapped around some build instructions, and usually the first one in the series is discounted. Then, after you’ve bought the second, third and fourth magazine, you’re kinda getting into it and you’re… Read more →
Welcome to California
So, Trump is busy making America great again. He’s prioritising America, giving Americans position 1, 2 and 3. Let’s take a cycle through California shall we? Oh, and little heads up for you. This video is a full 10 minutes long. Read more →